Point Cook Market

The PCM is an initiative of and organised by the community centre and has been operating since 2007.

We love running the market for local stallholders to showcase their wares and talents and to provide the opportunity for the community to come together.

The market has a variety of indoor and outdoor stalls including locally produced homemade goods, bakers and makers, art and craft, food, children’s activities and much more.

We support not for profit groups, charity organisations and local business.

The market is located at the centre, entry is free and there is plenty of parking.

Come along & catch the colour of the next PCM

Stalls and products

Indoor stall site areas vary due to the style of the building and will be marked and numbered. Stall types available include standard indoor and outdoor, marquee and food trucks. A photo of your site set up will assist management in providing the best suited location for your stall.

Stall holders must confine their displays and signage to the stall site and keep pathways and emergency exits clear for safety and emergency evacuation. Stall holders may only operate within their allocated stall site.

Only products listed on the application form and approved by centre management may be sold.

All products must be new – second-hand items will not be approved. If you wish to add items a request in writing with photos must be submitted.

Photos are required of your product and stall set up – these are important as it will determine your application approval and placement of your stall.

We encourage local artists, musicians, singers and dancers to contact us to be part of the event and help create a great atmosphere on the day.

Sites, fees and insurance

Standard indoor site

2.4m x 2m (may vary)
$30.00 per site

Standard outdoor site (marquee or tables)

3m x 3m $30.00 per site

Commercial food site

Truck or site
$55.00 per site

Public Liability Insurance

Insurance is compulsory and stall holders are required to provide a current certificate of currency (minimum $20m) with the application.

Subject to approval insurance may be covered with the site fee (not applicable for food sites) at an additional fee of $13.00 per market (conditions apply).

All food sites must hold their own insurance and provide a Streat Trader statement for each market applied for.


Table hire: $7.00 per table (standard trestle table)

Powered site: $10.00 per single outlet (conditions apply).

All electrical leads/appliances must be approved by centre management and tagged and tested by a qualified electrician prior to market day.


When will I know where my stall site is?

Final stall sites are allocated on the day on arrival – discuss your needs with us prior to applying.

Why do I need to send photos of my products and set up?

These details are important as they assist us to find the best suited location for your stall.

We love advertising and promoting our stall holders and photos are great for that!

What do I need to bring?

BYO chair, table cloth, table (if not hiring), marquee if applicable and rubbish bags (all rubbish must be taken with you).

Can I bring a clothes rack/display stand?

Racks are permitted but ensure they are listed on the application form and a photo is provided. Any racks or display stands must stay within the stall site boundary.

Do I get a refund if it rains or if I cancel?

Unfortunately refunds and transfer options will not be provided to stall holders unless in the unlikely event the centre cancels the market.

Do I need to be at stall on market day or can someone else attend?

Stall holders listed on the application must be in attendance on market day.

Can I pack up my stall before the market finishes?

No, stalls are required to be present all times during the advertised opening hours of the market.

Can I pay the fees on the day of the market?

To confirm your site all fees are required to be paid in advance.